Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Band-in-a-Box supports lyrics in three different ways, Note-based Lyrics, Line-based Lyrics, and a Big Lyrics
(Karaoke) window. The complete list of lyrics functions is found in the Lyrics menu. See the Reference chapter for
itemized descriptions.
Note-based Lyrics
Note-based lyrics offer accurate placement of lyrics as you can place a word under each note. As you enter the
lyrics, the note is highlighted. Pressing the Tab or Enter key moves to the next note. Use “/” and “\” to enter line
breaks and paragraphs.
On the Notation window, you see the paragraph/line breaks for the lyrics.
But on the Lead Sheet, the marks are not shown.
Note-based lyrics are saved with the MIDI file, so you can use them in your other MIDI programs.
You can enter note-based lyrics by pressing Ctrl+L keys or pressing the [L] button on the Notation toolbar.
Placement is set in the Notation Options dialog. A Lyric Position setting of -10 puts the
lyrics directly under the treble clef. Higher values put them lower.
Lyrics Event List
You can edit the lyrics using an event list as well. This allows you to enter lyrics at any point, not just
tied to a note.
Once you press the # button, you then press the [Edit Lyrics] button. You can then see the Edit
Lyrics dialog.
From here, you can edit lyrics, or INSERT new lyrics or APPEND lyrics to the end of the track, or DELETE lyrics.
A single lyric event can be 128 characters.