Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Print Preview
This feature allows you to preview what the printed pages will look like by displaying them on-screen.
Use the [Prior], [Next], [First], and [Last] buttons to navigate additional pages.
Press the options button to open the Preview Options dialog. In the Preview Options you can set
the exact number of pixels to display for the print preview, the same settings are also used if you
choose to save the pages to a graphics file in
the popular .JPG, .TIF, or .BMP file types.
This feature is only limited by available
memory. This allows high resolution
BMP’s like 2400 x 3000.
A BMP of 2400x3000 is 300 dpi for an
8”x10” page.
You will then see a high-res graphic on screen, and you can save that to a BMP using the [Save…]
button. Printing to a graphics file allows you to embed your notation in a document, or in an
HTML file for use on your web site.
Display Options
Use this button to display the notation across the full width of the screen.
This button will shrink the notation to display a full page at a time.
Saving the page(s) as Graphics files
The [Save…] button saves the current page as a Graphics file.
The [Save + +] button saves all of the pages to graphics files named songnamexxx.bmp, where xxx
is the page number.
With the clipboard button you can quickly copy a bitmap to paste into other applications.
Printing from the Print Preview
You can print the page(s) by pressing the [Print…] button to return to the Print Options and then pressing the [OK –
Print] button.
Press the [PrintPage] button to print only the page that is shown onscreen in the Preview
window, not the complete song or a full chorus.