Technical information

Chapter 8: Automatic Music Features
Soloist Wizard
This option enables the “Soloist Wizard.” As you play notes on either a MIDI keyboard connected to the computer
or on the QWERTY keyboard, the program will play “correct” notes in the style of the current Soloist! This means
that you can play a “perfect” solo every time, simply by pressing any key on your MIDI keyboard or QWERTY
Tip: The Soloist will use the velocities you play or pick its own, depending on the setting in Opt | Preferences (2) | Use MIDI
velocity for Soloist Wizard.
Custom Solo Generation
The [Custom] button located on the Soloist Selection Dialog launches the Custom Solo Dialog. This allows you to
set the range for the solo:
Tip: You can have these values preset to the values you'd like by first selecting/highlighting the range of bars that you'd like
from the Chordsheet screen, then clicking on the Soloist button.
- In real life, a Soloist tends play a couple of extra notes after the solo section ends. Setting “OK to solo for an
extra beat” allows the Band-in-a-Box soloist to behave in the same way.
- If you want to overdub a solo and you have multiple solo tracks going at once, de-select “Overwrite existing
solo in range.”
Once you press the [Generate Solo Now] button, the portion of the solo that you have selected will be (re)generated.
The song will automatically start playing 2 bars before the new part, so you can quickly hear the new solo.
There are additional buttons and checkboxes to further define the Soloist.
Double Time? Checkbox
Set to “true” if you want a double-time solo; 16th notes instead of 8ths.
Solo Which Choruses?
Select which choruses you would like the Soloist to solo over. Choose from first, middle, last, any combination, or
all three choruses. Press the [All Solo] button to have the Soloist play over everything. Press the [Melody & Solo]
button to have the Melody play the first chorus, then have the Soloist come in on the second chorus, then have the
Melody “play the tune out” on the last chorus.
If the “Auto-Suggest” checkbox in the Select Soloist Dialog is on, you will find that an appropriate soloist is already
selected for you. If you would like a different soloist, press the [Suggest] button and Band-in-a-Box will suggest
another appropriate choice.
Load/Save settings w/song
These settings allow the saving and loading of Soloist settings. Enable these checkboxes if you with to load and
save these settings with a song.