Technical information

Chapter 9: MIDI Recording
Import Which Channel(s)?
You'll need to know which channel(s) of your MIDI file the melody is on. You then select these channels for Band-
in-a-Box to read-in. If you select all of the channels, Band-in-a-Box will read in all of the channels and merge them
to the Melody track. You can import and play the complete file on the Melody track if the Track Type is set to Multi
(16) -Channel in the Melody menu.
# bars to offset from start of MIDI file
If you want to start reading from the beginning of the MIDI file, select 0 as the offset. If you want to start at bar 32,
for example, select an offset of 32 (bars).
How Many Bars to import?
Leave this setting at the default of 1000 to read-in the entire file (unless it’s longer than 1000 bars!), or set it to the
number of bars that want.
# blank bars to insert at beginning
This will insert blank bars into the Melody track. Remember that Band-in-a-Box normally has a 2 bar lead-in count.
If your MIDI file has no lead-in, then you'll need to set this to = 2 to compensate for the 2 bars of lead-in.
Include notes early by (120 PPQ)
If you’re reading in a MIDI file starting at bar 5, it would be annoying to have a note that was played 1 tick earlier
than bar 5 left out of the MIDI file that is read in. To include it, you can set this, and the note will be read in.
Include continuous controllers and pitch bend / Patch changes / Lyrics
If you don’t need these items you can save space by not importing them.
Merge with Existing Data on the track
You can choose to merge the imported data with your existing Melody track.
Import to the Melody with the MIDI Chord Wizard
You can open an entire MIDI file into Band-in-a-Box using the MIDI Chord Wizard. The chords will be auto-
interpreted by the Chord Wizard and the MIDI file will play and display on the Melody track. A “silent” style will
be loaded so you'll only hear the MIDI file. When the file is saved, the extension will be MGX, allowing you to
easily identify the songs that contain entire MIDI files.
The MIDI Chord Wizard is opened from the File | Import Chords from MIDI File menu item. In the Interpret
Chords from MIDI file dialog, select the “Open ENTIRE MIDI File to Melody” radio button, and then click on
The chords will be interpreted and written to the Band-in-a-Box chordsheet and an “X” will appear in front of the
style name, indicating that the style is silent.
Press [Play] to hear the MIDI file play on the Melody track.
Additional Options for Melody/Soloist Track
Choose Melody | Edit Melody Track | Time Shift Melody. This will move (slide) the melody a certain # ticks. There
are 120 ticks per quarter note. For example, to give the song a more laid-back feel, shift the melody about 10 ticks
In the same submenu, choose Insert Beats or Melody | Delete Beats to insert or delete beats in the Melody. For
example, to insert 2 bars in the melody at bar 5, choose Melody | Insert Beats, select bar 5, and select 8 beats (2
bars) to insert.
Intelligent Humanize of Melody and Soloist Track
Quantize routines can leave the music sounding stiff and unmusical. Some routines attempt to humanize a part by
adding “randomization,“ which rarely has the desired effect since humans don't randomly change timing or volume.
Band-in-a-Box uses intelligent humanization routines to humanize a melody from one feel to another, from one
tempo to another, and vary the amount of swing to 8th notes. The results are very musical, with natural sounding
Let's look at some of the parameters found under Humanize.
In this example, Melody | Edit Melody Track | Humanize Melody was selected. The window for Humanize Soloist is
the same.