Technical information

Chapter 10: Audio Recording and Rendering
Chapter 10: Audio Recording and Rendering
There are two types of audio features in Band-in-a-Box:
1. The first refers to the Audio track. This is a single 44K mono or stereo track that you can use to record
vocals or live instruments.
2. The second refers to rendering which is the process of converting a MIDI performance in Band-in-a-Box to
a stereo .WAV file.
The audio track includes only your live recording, whereas the rendered .WAV file includes the entire performance;
MIDI parts plus the audio track.
Audio Track
Try the following with the Audio Track in Band-in-a-Box:
1. Press this button and add an audio track to an existing Band-in-a-Box song. Add live vocals,
guitar, sax, etc.
2. Process an audio track using audio plug-ins - such as reverb, chorus etc. (choose from over 20
plug-ins included).
3. Export the audio (and MIDI) track to sequencers such as PowerTracks Pro Audio, Cubase, or
Cakewalk for further work.
Import WAV file to Audio Track
A Mono or Stereo WAV file can be imported to the Audio track, optionally merging or replacing any existing audio
Choose the menu item Audio | Import WAV File. You then choose a WAV file to import. The Import WAV dialog
is then displayed, which allows selection of the point to insert the WAV file, and whether to merge or overwrite
existing audio in the range.
Record Audio
Before you begin recording, you'll need to:
Set the Recording Properties
This tells your sound card (and Band-in-a-Box) what sources you would record from. You may be recording from a
microphone or a line-in plug into your sound card. If so, you need to have those items selected in the recording
properties panel for your sound card.
Most sound cards are capable of recording from the following sources:
- Microphone – plugged in to the sound card to record vocals or live instruments.
- Line-In – from the Line-Out of a mixer or keyboard, or a guitar direct box.
- CD-ROM player – to record the audio from an audio CD.
- Outgoing MIDI - not used when recording audio tracks, but is used if “rendering” the whole Band-in-a-Box
song to audio.