Technical information

Chapter 11: User Programmable Functions
Chapter 11: User Programmable Functions
The StyleMaker
The StyleMaker is the section of the program that allows you to create brand new styles or edit existing styles. This
is done by recording patterns for each of the drums, bass, piano, guitar and strings parts, or by entering these parts in
the StyleMaker Pattern Editor notation window. If you don't want an instrument in a style you don't need to record
any patterns for it. The StyleMaker window is accessed from the Styles menu by choosing any one of:
- New – Make a New Style to create an entirely new style from a blank template.
- Edit a Style (Alt+F9 keys) to open any style for editing.
- Edit Current Style (Ctrl+Shift+F9 keys) to open the current style in use for editing.
StyleMaker Pull-Down Menu Items
The StyleMaker has a separate pull-down menu to the main program. Many of the menu commands can be accessed
directly with the on-screen buttons in the StyleMaker window.
Buttons on Main StyleMaker Screen
These options are also available from the StyleMaker window pull-down menus.
Saves and overwrites existing style using current name.
Save As
Saves the style, but allows you to rename it first.
Plays the current pattern.
Stops the playback of the current pattern.
Plays the current pattern over a specific chord.
Rec (Record) Begins live recording of a pattern after a 2-bar intro.
Opt (Options) Allows setting of options for the current pattern.
Q (Quantize) Adjusts note timing to a number of divisions per measure.
V (Volume) Change the volume of the selected pattern.
L (Legato) Increases or decreases note durations for the pattern.
Pat (Patch) Assign instruments to the style.
Misc. (misc.) Overall style settings including master volumes.
Plays the current song using the new style you're making.
Exits the StyleMaker and closes the window.
Exploring the StyleMaker
To become familiar with the StyleMaker it is easiest to begin with an existing style and examine its makeup. This
example uses ZZLITROK.STY
, a basic Light Rock style. Patterns are played back from the main StyleMaker