Technical information

Chapter 11: User Programmable Functions
This feature also works well to modify
existing styles. Import an instrument from
a similar style to make interesting style
variations in minutes.
Try some instruments from dissimilar
styles for fun and surprises! You can also
add parts that were not present in the
original style this way.
Importing Patterns from a MIDI file
You can use any MIDI file as a source for new StyleMaker patterns by accessing Pattern | Import Pattern from
MIDI file menu item. The import # patterns option allows you to import more than one at a time.
In the StyleMaker, when you choose Pattern | Import from a MIDI File (or
clipboard or Melody track) the dialog shows a further option at the bottom.
For example, if you import 8 patterns, the 8 patterns will be inserted in the first available 8 positions on the current
row. They will be offset by the # of beats present on the current row. For example, if you are on the “4 beat” row,
the patterns will get inserted offset by 4 beats, so you'd get patterns for each bar in the 8 bars imported.
Map Melody track to C7 Chord
Choose the Melody | Map Melody track to C7 chord. The purpose of this function is to allow you to quickly import
any MIDI file track into the StyleMaker and make a style from it.
Once you choose the option, you select whether it is a bass track to import, or a piano track (actually any part other
than bass or drums). A bass track uses notes below C4 (MIDI note #48) and above the lowest note you select in the
If you select piano track the notes will all be mapped to a C7 chord, it is not important that the chords on the
spreadsheet are correct. However, if you are importing a bass track, it is important that the chords are correct. You
can select options to allow patterns that are anticipations, and also convert chords to “macro notes.” There is full
documentation in the online Help.
Slide Pattern X ticks
This is option on the StyleMaker menu allows a pattern to be time shifted any number of ticks, based on a PPQ
setting of 120 clock ticks.
Velocity Adjust
This function adds or reduces the velocity of a single pattern, row of patterns, or all patterns in an instrument. It is
useful for reducing or increasing the volume of an entire instrument, or fine-tuning the velocities in a style.
Choose the menu items Pattern-Velocity Adjust (for 1 pattern, 1 row, or whole instrument) and input the velocity
change to make for the pattern(s). This will add or subtract a certain velocity value to the patterns.