Technical information

Chapter 11: User Programmable Functions
Additional Harmony Options
Press the [More…] button to launch the
Additional Harmony Options dialog.
Use Close Harmony
This only applies to 2 and 3 part harmonies.
If set to = 0 it will use only close harmonies, mainly 3rds for 2 part harmonies.
If set to = 1 it will use mostly 3rds, with some 6ths for 2 part harmonies.
If set to = 99 it will use mostly 6ths, with some 3rds for 2 part harmonies.
If set to = 100 it will use only wide harmonies, mainly 6ths for 2 part harmonies.
If set to > 2 < 98 it will vary between close and open harmonies.
Use Passing Chords (melody) DEFAULT = 100 %
Band-in-a-Box will sort out when to use passing harmonies, based on factors like the duration of the note, the next
note, the chord tone, the velocity, previous notes, and other factors. You can visually see when the harmony is using
a passing chord. The harmony display is usually blue, but when there is a passing chord, it displays as RED. If you
don’t want passing chords set this value to 0.
Lowest Harmony Note
You can set a lowest note for the harmony to play. When the melody is low, harmonies begin to sound “muddy,” so
you can avoid the harmony being played below a certain note.
Overall Harmony Octave
This sets the overall octave of the harmony. For example, in the 5-part Trumpets harmony the harmony is always be
played an octave higher than the recorded melody. This is because the 5-part harmony is spread over 2 octaves.
No Harmony if duration less than nn milliseconds
You can specify a harmony to only occur for notes longer than a given duration. If every note is harmonized
unrealistic harmonies result, since a piano player doesn't harmonize notes of a short duration. You can specify a
harmony to only occur for notes longer than a given duration. Notes shorter than that will not be harmonized. There
are also options for how the program “fixes” the harmony when chord changes occur during a sustained note
OK to make new harmony with new chord
Most harmonies have a feature that changes the pitch of the harmony voices under the Melody note when the chord
changes if the underlying voice wouldn't be a chord tone. For some harmonies it would be unrealistic for the
instruments to change the inner voicings in this manner. Deselect this option and the voices that conflict with the
new chord stop playing instead of changing to new notes.