Technical information

Chapter 3: Band-in-a-Box Version 2005
Entire song name displayed in Taskbar hint when Band-in-a-Box is minimized!
This is useful to find the name of a song playing when Band-in-a-Box is playing in the background.
Multi-colors for Event List!
Different colors are used for different event types in the event list, to visually distinguish notes, patch changes etc.
Song Picker Enhanced – Subfolder Support!
The SongPicker has been enhanced and now can optionally display songs from subfolders. For example, if you get
a song list of c:\bb, it can include songs in subfolders of c:\bb like c:\bb\styles34. You can also lock the SongPicker
to always open in the same folder (EG: C:\bb), so that you can use the same list to keep track of all songs on your
disk. Other enhancements like “change folder,” and “go up one folder” are included.
Notation supports time signature changes!
Time signature changes are now printed on the Notation/Lead Sheet!
“Favorite Folder-Open Song” button!
By opening a song using “Favorite Folder-Open Song,” you first select the folder from a list of recently used folders,
and then you can directly open the song from that folder. This allows you to quickly find a song in another folder.
Lyric breaks hidden in Lead Sheet window!
For lyrics, line break and paragraph marks (‘/’ and ‘\’) are no longer shown on the Lead Sheet window.
Auto MIDI and Karaoke lyrics display!
Lyrics window optionally auto-opens for MIDI files with lyrics and Karaoke files!
Guitar TAB visibility is improved!
For the guitar tablature, the numbers are now more visible, as a portion of the black guitar line is “whited out” when
a tab fret number is drawn.
Notation display improved!
The first note in every bar is drawn farther away from the bar line.
Big Lyrics Window Enhancements!
Chords can now be displayed on a row above the lyrics on the Big Lyrics Window. Separate chord colors are used
for the Chords and Lyrics, allowing these elements to be visually separated.
MIDI file text markers for part markers!
MIDI files are now written with descriptive text markers for part markers! Text markers are also read in from MIDI
files, and displayed as section markers on the notation.
Decibel (dB) scale now present in the Audio Edit window!
New rest insert key!
In Editable Notation mode, you can now insert a rest by holding the back-quote key (tilde key without pressing
Shift) then clicking on the Notation window. This is a way to avoid having to check the “Rest” checkbox first.
Reset to factory settings improved!
Reset to factory settings also offers to nuke the drum kit and MIDI driver choice, making the return to factory
settings complete.
“Transpose” Chordsheet option added!
This is useful for non-concert pitch instruments like tenor saxophone. This option is also available on the Notation