Technical information

Chapter 13: Tools and Utilities
Computer “QWERTY” Keys
Press computer keys to play drums.
Drums are grouped on the computer keyboard by category. The kick, snare, and hi-hat sounds are on the lowest
keyboard row. The lower-middle row contains toms and cymbals. The upper-middle row contains Latin drums, and
the top row contains Latin hand percussion. The Numpad keys contain the rest of the Latin hand percussion plus the
electronic tones.
Settings Dialog
Press the Settings button to adjust the various Drum Kit Settings.
Drum window is always on top
Use this checkbox to keep the Drums window on top of other program windows.
Note Velocity
When playing drums with a mouse or computer keys, the shift key toggles between two levels of note velocity,
which can be set any way desired.
Use this checkbox to enable the program to send random velocity levels when playing the drums, handy when using
non- velocity sensitive devices. “Range” refers to the range of velocities. For example, if velocity is set to 127, and
the random range is set to 20%, notes would vary between 127 and 102.