Technical information

Chapter 13: Tools and Utilities
Instrument Hints
Customize the appearance of the Hint line.
- Show Note Name
- Show MIDI Note Number
- Show Computer Key
“Show All Instruments” shows all instruments in the drum window.
“Show Used Instruments” displays the basic trap kit, but does not display any extra instruments unless they are used
in a song.
The drum window is cleared each time Play or Stop is pressed.
MIDI Monitor
MIDI Monitor displays a listing of data received from computer MIDI Input and/or Band-in-a-Box output, useful for
educational or diagnostic purposes.
The MIDI Monitor opens with the [MIDI] button on the main screen toolbar, or with the menu command
Window | MIDI Monitor.
Tip: To display the data received from the computer MIDI Input, the MIDI THRU option must be enabled in Band-in-a-Box.
MIDI Monitor- Main Window
MIDI Display Controls
The current event number since the display was last cleared.
Clears MIDI Display, Event counter, and Channel Activity panel.
Save Text
Save a tab-delimited text file of the data in the MIDI display. The file can be opened with a word
processor or spreadsheet program, for printing or further study. Various Save Text options can be
adjusted in the Settings window.
Open the Settings dialog, to adjust display behavior. The display can be modified to suit the task at
Open the Filter dialog, where receive settings can be adjusted.
Sequencer Control
The [Play], [Rewind], and [Stop] buttons control song playback without the need to return to the main Band-in-a-
Box screen.
A millisecond timer useful for viewing timing relationships between messages.