Technical information

Chapter 14: Reference
Transpose From .. To .. launches the Transpose
dialog for transposing a particular section of the song.
The bar values can be typed in manually or you can
transpose a portion of a song by highlighting the
region you wish to have transposed, selecting this
menu item, and typing in the new key you wish to
transpose to.
Transpose DOWN or UP 1 semitone transposes the entire song. This can be done while the song is playing. Band-
in-a-Box will pause briefly, and then resume playing in the new key at the same place in the song.
Transpose # of semitones opens a dialog where you can type in the number of semitones to transpose the song.
Song Memo…
A song memo of up to 2000 characters may be added. When a song has a memo associated with it the
word Memo highlights in pink.
Clicking on the [Memo] button launches the Song Memo dialog, where you can type or edit a memo about the song
and select an “Auto-open” option that will show the memo each time the song is loaded.
Auto-Generate Song Title allows you to generate a title for a song. There is also a button on the main screen for
‘Jazz Up’ The chords
This will “Jazz Up” the chords by changing chords like C and Cmaj to 7
and 6
chords. Song embellishment will
be turned on for the song. Select the type of 7ths from the list box, and then click on the [OK – Jazz UP] button.
‘Jazz Down’ The chords
This will “Jazz Down” the chords by changing chords with 7ths (e.g. C7) to triads (e.g. C) and 9ths and 13ths to 7
chords. Song embellishment is turned off. Press [OK – Jazz Down] to proceed.