Technical information

Chapter 14: Reference
Display Options
The [Display] button opens the Display Options dialog.
Toolbar mode settings are for the main toolbar. The Normal mode shows toolbar icons with text labels. Options
are Text only, Icons only, or No toolbar.
Show on-screen piano shows or hides the on-screen piano.
Floating Toolbars Always Show Text toggles floating toolbar text off or on.
Song Title area font allows the selection of any installed font the song title.
Enable display of Repeats/Endings allows repeats signs and 1
ending markers to be shown on the chordsheet.
Display bars higher than end of song in gray will “gray out” the bars on the chordsheet after the end of the song.
Show chords with push/rest characters
The push character is the caret symbol (^). So a C chord with a push is displayed as ^C. The rest character is a
period (.) so a C chord with a rest is displayed as C. (C period). If you prefer to not see these characters displayed,
then set this to false. These characters won’t show up on the printout regardless of this setting.
Show chords with pushes/rests in color
If set to YES, pushes are displayed in GREEN and rests are displayed in RED. This only applies to the Chordsheet,
not the notation.
Chord display
Use this setting to change the chord display from normal to Roman Numeral, Nashville, or Solfeggio.
For Roman Numerals of Chords in minor keys, use relative major