Technical information

Chapter 14: Reference
Smart Lead-in
A smart lead-in avoids playing the count-in drum sound during a Melody pickup.
Lead-in drum count if drums muted/disabled
Previously, when the drum track was muted (or disabled in a song), the count-in drum click wouldn't play. This
option can play the drum count-in in all circumstances. Drummers who play along with BB by muting the drum
track should find this feature useful. To set this option, choose Opt. | Preferences and set “Lead-in drum count if
drums muted or disabled” to true (default is true).
Metronome Options
Visible Metronome
You can display a visible metronome on-screen during the entire song (or just the lead-in). Choose the screen
position (top-right or center), and the size (up to near full screen size). Also choose the visual metronome pattern
(1234, 1-3, 1---, or –2-4). Seeing a metronome on-screen is a great way for a student to learn to keep on the beat,
and with a settable size, students can view this from across the room.
Audible Metronome
The three settings for the audible metronome are None, During Record, or During Record and Play.
MIDI File Options
The [MIDI File] button opens the MIDI file options dialog.
Include Patch Changes in MIDI files will include the patch (instrument) changes.
Include Part Marker text markers will write descriptive text markers to the MIDI file, such as “bar 23, part A.”
Text markers are also read in from MIDI files, and displayed as Section Markers on the Notation.
Include 2 bar lead-in in MIDI file is selected if you don't want to create a MIDI file containing the first 2 bars of the
1—2—1-2-3-4 count-in. If there is a Melody pickup, then the 2 bar lead-in will remain in the file.
Write Lyrics in General MIDI or PG Music format
The GM specification has agreed upon specific requirements for writing lyrics in MIDI files, which are now
supported, so that lyrics that you save in Band-in-a-Box should show up identically in other MIDI programs. To set
this option, choose either General MIDI format or PG Music format. We recommend the GM format.