Technical information

Chapter 14: Reference
MIDI Options
This button opens the MIDI Options dialog.
Send GM Mode On at startup / Send XG Mode On at startup
You can elect to have Band-in-a-Box automatically send a GM or XG Mode On command every time the program is
started. Toggle this option ON if you have a GM or XG unit to ensure that it is always set to the appropriate mode.
Local ON (Ext. Keyboard): If you are hearing the information played on your keyboard played twice (an echo
effect) then set Local ON to “No.” If you can't hear what you are playing at all, set Local ON to “Yes.”
Turn External Keyboard’s Local On at end of session
If you have set the Keyboard Local to Off (usually to eliminate MIDI echo) this setting turns it back on at the end of
your Band-in-a-Box session.
MIDI Thru: Set to “No” if you don't want the information played on your MIDI keyboard to be sent through Band-
in-a-Box to the output driver.
Controllers Thru: Guitar synthesizers and wind controllers contain large amounts of additional MIDI data which
may not be required for Band-in-a-Box and may only serve to hinder the system performance of your computer. To
prevent this information from being sent Thru, set this option to “No.”
Use Thru Channel: Band-in-a-Box uses the Thru channel as a part, just like the Bass/Drums/Piano, etc. The Thru
Channel is re-channeled to the Thru channel as assigned in the MIDI settings dialog. If you would prefer to set the
Thru channel yourself from your MIDI controller, set this to “No.”
Boost THRU Velocity by
When playing along on a keyboard to the Band-in-a-Box “band,” if the sound of your keyboard is too quiet and
increasing the THRU Volume doesn't help enough, use this option to boost the THRU velocity and make your
THRU playing louder.
Output Sync/Start info: Syncs Band-in-a-Box with an external sequencer.
Send Extra Note Offs: Leave this option set to “No” unless you are having trouble with “Stuck Notes” when you
press [Stop]. If you set this option to “Yes” the program will send a “global sweep” of all notes off in addition to
the selected notes off that are playing when you press the [Stop] button.
Allow Any Patch Changes: Set to “No” to disable All Patch changes.