Technical information

Chapter 14: Reference
Remove Harmony (or guitar solo) from Melody Track removes a harmony from a track, providing that the
harmony was put there by Band-in-a-Box in the first place using the Convert Harmony to Melody Track command.
Generate Guitar Chord Solo opens the Guitar feature dialog for generating a guitar chord solo.
Rechannel to Guitar Display converts channels on a track to channels 11 to 16. Channels 11 to 16 are used by
Band-in-a-Box to indicate strings 1 to 6 of a guitar. It uses the current position marker on the guitar for this
There is a Utilities sub-menu that has utility functions to convert the pitch bend range of a track, insert pitch bend
note events, transpose, and transform melodies.
Eliminate Note Overlap – Preserve Double Stops / Eliminate Note Overlap – Remove Double Stops opens a
Choose Range dialog to select the range of bars where note overlap will be eliminated while double stops are either
preserved or eliminated.
Change Pitch Bend Range… lets you set the range in semitones.
Insert Guitar Bend events when pitch bend found… will insert controllers so the guitar will display bends.
Transpose One Octave DOWN / Transpose One Octave UP transposes the Melody part one octave in either
direction. This is often useful if the Melody instrument has been changed. Transposing can be done while the song
Transform Waltz Melody & Soloist to 4/4
If you have a song with a 3/4 time signature, you can instantly hear it as a 4/4 feel. Simply load the Waltz song and
then change the style to a 4/4 style. Band-in-a-Box uses intelligent algorithms to transform the melody to the new
time signature.
Transform 4/4 Melody & Soloist to Waltz
You can automatically transform any 4/4 song/melody to a Waltz 3/4 feel. Simply load in any 4/4 song and change
the style to a Waltz style. The program will offer to transform the melody so that it works as a Waltz. It’s fun and
educational to hear and play familiar songs in a Waltz feel.