Technical information

multiple lines, 58, 124
Lyrics Menu, 268
line-based lyrics, 268
Lyrics options, 127
Main Chordsheet
font size, 31
number of rows, 31
select font, 31
Main Screen
colors, 31
layout, 31
options, 31
overview, 30
status messages, 32
Master Tuning, 222
Master Volume, 281
Recording, 147
Melodist, 132
64 Bar Form, 133
A2 Transpose, 133
Allow Style Changes, 133
Auto-Tempo, 133
Go To #, 133
Insert Bass Pedals, 133
Jukebox, 134
Kill Intro, 133
Kill Melody, 133
Kill Soloist, 133
Memo, 134
Number of Choruses, 133
Replace Thru Form, 133
Solo in Middle Choruses, 133
Song Form, 133
Tempo, 133
Write To Track, 134
Melodist Maker, 193
choose unusual chord progressions, 194
edit track, 151
Melody Embellisher
selective humanization, 46
Melody Menu
Edit Melody, 270
Quantize Melody Options, 271
track type, 270, 274
Utilities, 273
Melody Pitch Tracking, 162
Memo, 39
visual metronome, 84
MGU files, 102
Setting, 249
Standard, 149
Keyboard, 287
Local On, 248
Note Offs, 248
Sync, 248
Thru, 209
Controllers, 248
Setting, 248
MIDI drivers
wizard, 8
MIDI drivers, 7
Karaoke, 104
MIDI File Chord Wizard, 211
MIDI File to Style Wizard, 216
Minimize Rests, 110
Mute All, 45, 90
New features
alternate guitar tunings, 17
audio harmony pitch styles, 18
audio VU meters, 21
auto lyrics display, 20
auto Staves per Page, 21
auto-endings, 18
Big Lyrics enhanced, 20
drum crash option, 21
editable StylePicker, 19
embellisher selective humanize, 19, 143