Technical information

Chapter 4: The Main Screen
Synth Window / Piano Keyboard
The Piano Keyboard:
This keyboard displays the notes (in different colors) that are being played by all instruments on various parts of the
piano keyboard during playback (except drums). The MIDI Thru/Soloist is also displayed on the piano keyboard.
Instruments and Parts:
Part Settings: The Bass/Drum/Piano/Guitar/Strings/Melody/Soloist and Thru buttons refer to instrument parts.
To change a setting for one of the parts you need to do the following:
- Select the part by mouse clicking on the part name, or on the button immediately to the left of
the part name.
- Change the desired parameter to affect the new setting.
Instruments - Choosing
The instrument panel allows you to change the instrument for any part:
- Clicking on the drop-down arrow produces an instrument list that you can choose from by highlighting and
clicking on the desired instrument name.
- Clicking the [F] button produces a representative list of predefined favorite instruments that you can choose
The [GM2] button lets you select patches from a list of both General MIDI and General MIDI 2 patches if
your system supports GM2.
Clicking on the [+] button produces a comprehensive list of ALL the patches available for your
synthesizer, including ones on higher banks
(if applicable). This list displays your patch names by name, where the patch is located (patch #, bank) and lets you
pick them from an easily customizable list.
The Harmony area displays the current Melody and Thru Harmony. At the top right, you'll see the harmony boxes
for the Melody and the Thru/Soloist.
The [M] button is for Melody harmony - pressing the [M] button produces a
list of harmonies you can choose from.
Here it's set to SuperSax for a Big Band saxophone section harmony.