Technical information

Chapter 5: Guided Tour of Band-in-a-Box
Graphically display and edit non-note MIDI events. This panel only shows MIDI events specified in the Chan,
View/Edit, and Controller Type controls.
Zero-value events are drawn as small hollow squares, to make them easy to identify.
With events such as pitch bend or controllers like modulation and sustain, it is important to take care to end a
“gesture” with a zero-value event. Otherwise, subsequent notes will be affected, with an unwanted “hanging
permanent pitch bend, permanent vibrato, or sustain pedal locked down.
Event Selection
Selected Events are red.
Graphic Event Ruler Time Selections:
The Graphic Event Ruler will only select non-note events. In addition, it will only select the type of MIDI events
specified in the Chan, View/Edit, and Controller Type controls. When you make a Ruler Time selection, ONLY
THE VISIBLE events in this time range are selected. Other MIDI events in this time range are not selected.
Selections, Inserted Notes, or Edited Notes will snap to the grid spacing. If you do not
want snap-to-grid, select [NONE] in the drop-down menu.
View/Insert Channel
If a track contains multiple channels, “All” will display MIDI events on all channels.
Otherwise, select the channel that you need to see. If “All” is selected, new MIDI
events are inserted on the Band-in-a-Box track's assigned channel.
Except for perhaps multi-channel Guitar tracks, Band-in-a-Box plays all track events on
the assigned track channel. Therefore, in almost all cases, the channel of track events
does not matter.
For instance, if the Melody track is set to transmit on channel 4, all events on the
Melody track will be sent on channel 4 regardless of the “actual channel” of each track
Note Duration
Set the default duration of new inserted notes. It is easy to mouse-edit a note's duration
after a note is inserted, so it is usually sufficient to select a typical note duration that
makes sense for your purposes and then mouse-edit the duration of “exception” notes
after they are inserted.