Technical information

Chapter 6: Band-in-a-Box PowerGuide
Notebook users should set “Simulate NUMPAD Keys” to “ON” in the Preferences dialog, then use the regular
number keys to trigger looping.
The Title bar at the top of the main screen indicates the looping status. If a song has a looped section, this will be
listed at the top of the screen (e.g. “Will loop Middle Choruses” or “Currently looping Middle Choruses”). So you
can tell what is going to happen with the looping during a live performance.
Additional Patches
Patches on Higher Banks Dialog
This displays your patch names by name and lets you pick them from an easily customizable list. You've
probably got great sounds on higher banks -- now you can find and use them easily!
Clicking on the [+] button opens the Patches on Higher Banks dialog for easy access to patches on all other banks
as well as General MIDI
Band-in-a-Box can read a patch file list generated by PowerTracks Pro Audio or Cakewalk, and convert it to a .PAT
file for use in Band-in-a-Box.
Converting PowerTracks patch list to Band-in-a-Box .Pat files.
PowerTracks stores its patch lists in a single file, called PATCHES.INI. This file contains all of the patch lists for
the synths supported by PowerTracks. Band-in-a-Box stores the patch list for each synth in a separate file, with an
extension of .PAT.
To convert a PowerTracks patch file to a Band-in-a-Box Patch file, you will be choosing the c:\pt\ptw\patches.ini,
and then choosing the synth that you want to convert to a .PAT file.
Press the [+] button to the right of the Instrument name on the
main Band-in-a-Box screen.
This will open the Patches on Higher Banks dialog.
Note: If a .PAT file has not been previously selected, a File Open dialog will appear. Select a .PAT file from the \bb
directory to launch the Patches on Higher Banks dialog.
Press the [Open INI/INS…] button to launch the BB File open dialog.