Technical information

Chapter 6: Band-in-a-Box PowerGuide
Muting Instruments
To mute/unmute all parts as the song is playing, simply press Alt+2 or right-click on the “Combo” radio buttons at
the top of the screen.
To mute an instrument click on the name of the desired part with the right mouse button. Click again to unmute.
When the part is successfully muted, the instrument name will turn to red in color, indicating that the part is muted.
Edit Functions
“K” Quick Copy Method
By simply typing “K” at a bar followed by the Enter key you can instantly copy the last 8 bars to the current
position. The current position is advanced to the bar beyond the copy.
For example, if you're entering a song that has a repeating section of chords for 8 bars, type in the first 8 bars of
chords, move to bar 9, and then type: k, Enter.
The last 8 bars will be copied to bar 9-16, and the cursor will be moved to bar 17, so you're ready to continue with
the tune. If you get to bar 25, and would like the chords from 1-8 to be copied to 25-32, type k,1 and this will copy
8 bars from bar 1 to bar 25. By adding additional keys in the K command, you can customize this shortcut (e.g.
typing K 12, 3 would copy from bar 3 for 12 bars to current position.)
The chords always get copied. The Melody, Soloist, and Lyrics also get copied if these items are set in the Copy
Chords and/or melody dialog.
Edit Dialogs
Chord Settings
If you can’t remember the various keystrokes to put in rests and pushes, you can use the Chord
Options dialog box instead. To get to the Chord Options dialog box press the [C7] button, click with
the right mouse button onto the chordsheet, or use the keystrokes Alt+F5.
You can launch the Preview, Chord Builder, or Chord Substitution functions from this window.