User Manual

CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS ......................... 2
Front panel ................................................................. 2
Rear panel connections .............................................. 3
Remote control........................................................... 4
Program playback ................................... 5
PLAYING BACK iPod/USB DEVICE ................. 6
Connecting iPod/USB devices................................... 6
Playing back iPod ...................................................... 6
Playing back USB devices......................................... 6
Disconnecting iPod/USB devices .............................. 7
Supported iPod/USB devices..................................... 7
USING THE ADVANCED SETUP .......................9
TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................10
SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................11
Optical Digital Output
Coaxial Digital Output
CD-R, CD-RW Disc Playability
(For details, refer to page 8.)
MP3, WMA Disc Playability
MP3, WMA File Playability Stored on USB Device
(For details, refer to page 8.)
iPod Playability
Program Play (Audio CD only)
Random-Sequence Play
Single Track/File, Entire Disc/Folder/Whole device
Repeat Play
Repeat A-B Play (Audio CD only)
Adjustable Display Information and Brightness
Supplied accessories
Please check that you have received all of the following
Power cable
Remote control
Batteries (AA, R6, UM-3) (×2)
RCA stereo cable
Notes on batteries
Change all of the batteries if you notice that the
operation range of the remote control decreases.
Use AA, R6, UM-3 batteries.
Make sure that the polarities are correct. See the
illustration inside the battery compartment.
Remove the batteries if the remote control is not used
for an extended period of time.
Do not use old batteries together with new ones.
Do not use different types of batteries (such as alkaline
and manganese batteries) together. Read the packaging
carefully as these different types of batteries may have
the same shape and color.
If the batteries have leaked, dispose of them
immediately. Avoid touching the leaked material or
letting it come into contact with clothing, etc. Clean the
battery compartment thoroughly before installing new
Do not throw away batteries with general house waste;
dispose of them correctly in accordance with your local
Handling the remote control
The area between the remote control and this unit must
be clear of large obstacles.
Do not spill water or other liquids on the remote
Do not drop the remote control.
Do not leave or store the remote control in the
following types of conditions:
places of high humidity, such as near a bath
places of high temperature, such as near a heater or a
places of extremely low temperatures
dusty places
Do not expose the remote control sensor to strong
lighting, in particular, an inverter type fluorescent
lamp; otherwise, the remote control may not work
properly. If necessary, position this unit away from
direct lighting.
About this manual
y indicates a tip for your operation.
In this manual, audio CDs are referred to as “Audio
CD”, MP3/WMA discs as “Data Disc”, and MP3/
WMA files stored on the USB device as “USB”.
The , and
icons indicate music data formats that can be used in
the operation.
This manual is printed prior to production. Design and
specifications are subject to change in part as a result of
improvements, etc. In case of differences between the
manual and the product, the product has priority.
Audio CD Data Disc USB
Audio CD
G‹R‹fi ‹fiLEM
KKUUMMAANNDDAALLAARR VVEE FFOONNKKSSYYOONNLLAARR ..........................................22
Ön panel............................................................................2
Arka panel ba¤lant›lar› .....................................................3
Uzaktan kumanda .............................................................4
Programl› çalma .............................................................5
GGEELLMM AAYYAARRII KKUULLLLAANNMMAA ................................................................99
SSOORRUUNN GGDDEERRMMEE............................................................................................................1100
iiPPoodd//UUSSBB CCHHAAZZII ÇÇAALLMMAA ..................................................................................66
iPod/USB Cihazlar›n› Ba¤lama........................................6
iPod Çalma .......................................................................6
USB cihazlar›n› çalma......................................................6
iPod/USB cihazlar›n› ay›rma............................................7
Desteklenen iPod/USB cihazlar› ......................................7
I Özellikler
Optik Dijital Ç›k›fl
Koaksiyel Dijital Ç›k›fl
CD-R, CD-RW Disk Çal›flt›rma
(Detaylar için sayfa 8’e bak›n›z.)
MP3, WMA Disk Çal›flt›rma
USB Cihaz›nda bulunan MP3, WMA Dosyas›
(Detaylar için sayfa 8’e bak›n›z.)
• iPod Çal›flt›rma
Programl› Çalma (Sadece Audio CD)
Rastgele-S›ral› Çalma
Tek Parça/Dosya, Tüm CD/Klasör/Bütün cihaz
Tekrar Çalma
Tekrar A-B Çalma (Sadece Audio CD)
Ayarlanabilir Bilgi Görüntüleme ve Parlakl›k
Verilen aksesuarlar
Lütfen afla¤›daki parçalar›n hepsini ald›¤›n›zdan emin olun.
• Elektrik kablosu
Uzaktan kumanda
Piller (AA, R6, UM-3) (x2)
RCA stereo kablo
Piller hakk›nda notlar
Uzaktan kumandan›n ifllem alan›n›n azald›¤›n› fark
etti¤inizde tüm pilleri de¤ifltiriniz.
AA, R6, UM-3 pilleri kullan›n›z.
Kutuplar›n do¤ru olmas›n› sa¤lay›n›z. Pil yuvas›n›n
içindeki flekle bak›n›z.
Uzaktan kumanda uzun bir süre kullan›lmayacaksa pilleri
Eski pilleri yeni piller ile bir arada kullanmay›n›z.
Farkl› tipteki pilleri (mesela alkalin ve manganez piller
gibi) bir arada kullanmay›n›z. Bu farkl› türde piller ayn›
flekil ve renkte olabilece¤inden ambalaj› dikkatle
Piller akt›ysa derhal at›n›z. Akan maddeye dokunmaktan
kaç›n›n›z ve k›yafetlerinize, vb temas etmesine izin
vermeyiniz. Yeni pilleri yerlefltirmeden önce pil yuvas›n›
iyice temizleyiniz.
Pilleri evin normal at›klar›yla birlikte atmay›n›z; yerel
düzenlemelere uygun olarak do¤ru flekilde imha ediniz.
Uzaktan kumandan›n kullan›m›
Uzaktan kumanda ve cihaz aras›ndaki alanda büyük
engeller bulunmamal›d›r.
Uzaktan kumandan›n üzerine su veya baflka bir s›v›
Uzaktan kumanday› düflürmeyiniz.
Uzaktan kumanday› afla¤›daki koflullarda b›rakmay›n
veya saklamay›n›z:
banyonun yak›nlar› gibi yüksek nem ihtiva eden
›s›t›c› veya soba yak›nlar› gibi s›cak ›s›da
son derece so¤uk yerlerde
tozlu yerlerde
Uzaktan kumanda sensörünü güçlü ayd›nlatmaya,
özellikle inverter tip floresan lambaya maruz
b›rakmay›n›z, aksi halde uzaktan kumanda düzgün
çal›flmayabilir. Gerekirse, cihaz› direkt ›fl›ktan uza¤a
Bu k›lavuz hakk›nda
sembolü iflleminiz için ipucu vermektedir.
• Bu k›lavuzda, audio CDleri “Audio CD”, MP3/WMA
diskleri “Veri Diski”, ve USB cihazlar›na kaydedilen
MP3/ WMA dosyalar› “USB” olarak adland›r›l›r.
simgeleri ifllemde kullan›labilinecek müzik veri
formatlar›n› gösterir.
Bu k›lavuz üretim öncesi bas›lm›flt›r. Tasar›m ve teknik
özellikler gelifltirme, vb. nedenlerle de¤ifltirilebilir.
K›lavuz ile ürün aras›nda farkl›l›klar olmas› durumunda
ürün baz al›nmal›d›r.
Audio CD Data Disc
Audio CD