CD Player User Manual

6, Rotate MULTI JOG knob (+/- on the remote control)
to set the fade-out length.
Tile fade-out length can be sel in the I to 10 second range hy l-
second steps.
If you stop totaling the MULTI JOG knob, this unit starts
repeated playback of the ending ol the track with a fade<mr of
the length sel in above step, with extra portion for further 5
Press CLEAR to cancel the setting.
7. Press COMPLETE.
Tile fade-out is added to tile end of tile selected track lk/r tile
selected length.
This unit returns to the editing menu itmn selection. (If the edit
menu is carried on during playback, playback restarts.)
Fade-out cannot be added to a track that is shorter than 21
The fade-out efli:ct becomes inefl'cctive if the following editing is
performed to the track which the lade-out is added to.
Erasing a certain part of the track (Part Erase).
Combining the track (Track Combine).
Dividing the track (Track Divide).
Adjusting the begimling of the track (Track Adjust).
If"Track Adjust" has been perlormed, the fade_out effect of both
the a([justed track and the previous track becomes inefl'cctive.
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Track Title
You can assign a title to a track.
1 If "Track Title" is selected (P.58), the following screen
Disc that contains the track to assign a title to
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Track to assign a title to
If the edit mmm is selected during playback, the unit
automatically selects the item to be edited, hi this case, skip to
2. Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote ............................................
control) to select the disc that contains the track to
assign a title, m
3. Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the disc.
W'hen tile disc has been conl]rmed, the disc nun/her that
contains the track to assign a title to flashes.
Press CLEAR to cancel the confirmed selection.
4. Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the track to assign a title.
5= Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the track.
Tile following message appears on the disphly.
The cursor flashes. (If the selected track already has a title, the
title appears on the display.)
6, use the MULTI JOG knob (press alphabetical/numeric
buttons on the remote control) to enter characters.
For details on selecting characters, rellzr to "Entering characters
in the edit menu" (P.51).
7. Press COMPLETE when all the characters have been
Tile title is assigned to tile selected track. Press TEXT/TIME to
switch the display infornlation as necessary (El8).
This unit returns to the editing menu itmn selection. (If the edit
menu is carried on during playback, playback restarts.)