User manual

Manage disks
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 121
iii) The pioneer500 has a virtual mail slot which is in fact a position of the
robot. The grundig35 has a mail slot which is hidden under an additional
door. You can use all of the above commands, but with the additional
switch -f (cdadm insert -f ... or cdadm remove -f ...). As soon as
the command returns, the picker of the pioneer500 is in its change posi-
tion, or the door of the grundig35 may be opened. Open the jukebox door
and insert or remove the disk The time-out for the disk change is specified
by the trayto parameter (see Server parameterson page 123) which is
60 seconds by default. iXOS-JUKEMAN waits for the door to be closed
and continues to answer the accumulated file system requests for the
jukebox. You do not need to issue the following command:
cdadm testcd <device>
which had to be issued in earlier versions to tell the server the disk
change is finished.
iv) Jukeboxes with no mail slot, e. g., jukebox types cdr100, sony, pio-
neer6, and pioneer18. For all these devices, cdadm insert and cdadm
remove request the server to block incoming requests and free the
drives. Then you can manually change the disks. After making changes
use cdadm testcd to tell the server which disks are changed and that
the device can resume normal operation. Clients do not receive error
messages, they simply think the server was slow for a while. A typical
command sequence is:
cdadm insert <device> (blocks user requests - now change
disks 2 and 3)
cdadm testcd <device> 2-3 (server inspects disks and resumes
normal operation)
Move disks to or from a drive
cdadm movecd <device> <drive> <slot>
Moves a disk from <slot> to <drive>, where the latter is an integer in the
range of 1 to the number of drives in the respective jukebox (e. g., 4 for a
Mercury). If the slot is 0 or not specified, the server will move the disk in
drive <drive> back to its slot.
cdadm movecd 3 42
moves the disk from slot 42 to drive 3.
cdadm movecd 3