User manual

iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97138
Sets the name of the medium, which is stored in the so-called primary
volume descriptor. To avoid problems, no white space should appear in
this name.
publisher=Text, preparer=Text, applid=Text
Specifies the publisher, the preparer and the application ID.
This allows certain files to be excluded from the image. The program con-
siders the original file names as though the string <chars> were removed.
If the reslultant name is the same as that of a file which already exists,
then the original file is ignored and does not appear in the image. If this
value is set to ~, e.g. then the file ~source.c is excluded from the image
if there already exists a file source.c. Should no such replica file names
be found, then this parameter has no effect.
Allows a sub-directory to be excluded from the image.
Allows a sub-directory branch to be inserted or replaced.
To write both source directories /y and /z to a disk, create an empty di-
rectory /x and call
iso9660 source=/x replace=@/x/y@/y replace=@/x/z@/z
This will create a CD with the subdirectories y and z and their contents.
This option provides lots of possibilities. This feature can be tested con-
veniently with hard disk images (see Disk images on hard diskon page
With the following option, you can include all the necessary options in one
Each line of this file should contain only one option. By default, the files
.iso9660 und iso9660.ini are used to store such options.