User manual

iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97144
burned. This value is either the SCSI-ID of another drive or the name of
the file where the ISO file system image can be found. Finally,
<slotnumbers> indicates the a list of all the slots containing the CDs to be
Assuming, is the device description file,
C:\temp\source.iso or /tmp/source.iso the file containing the
ISO file system image, \\.\p0b0t6,0 or /dev/iXOS_SCSI0/6 the
SCSI-ID of the recorder drive and that the CDs in slots 1 to 5 need to be
burned, then the appropriate command is:
burncds "\\.\p0b0t6,0"
C:\temp\source.iso 1 2 3 4 5
or /dev/iXOS_SCSI0/6
/tmp/source.iso 1 2 3 4 5
Please note that the quotation marks are necessary when running the
Windows NT script. This prevents the 0 being considered as another ar-
gument, rather than the actual LUN (in NT, the comma ,is used to sepa-
rate arguments).
If the source data is in another SCSI CD drive, e.g., \\.\p1b0t3,3 or
/dev/iXOS_SCSI1/4, and the target CDs are in the slots 17, 25 and 39,
then the following command is required:
burncds "\\.\p0b0t6,0" "\\.\p1b0t3,3" 17 25
or /dev/iXOS_SCSI0/6
/dev/iXOS_SCSI1/4 17 25 39
If the syntax of the typed-in command is correct, then an output similar to
the following should appear on the screen:
Burning CD in Slot 3 of with source
C:\temp\source.iso bzw. /dev/iXOS_SCSI1/4
All messages from each recording are then channelled into a file of the
name <Slot#>.out and, correspondingly, there will be one such output
file for each slot included in the original burn command. In addition, there
also exists the script makecd.bat, which is called by burncds.bat for
each slot number. These files should be checked for possible errors, e.g.,
concerning the transport of the CDs or buffer problems. A positive indica-