User manual

Burning disks/writing incrementally
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 145
tor that everything was successful is when the files correspond to each
slot are the same size or if they differ only by a one or two bytes.
Configuring (.bat) and makecd.bat
The above scripts must be tailored to the system configuration before be-
ing used. The specific lines which may need to be changed are indicated
by the trailing comment # CONFIGURE or by the leading/trailing com-
ments rem CONFIGURE BEGIN and rem CONFIGURE END gesetzt.
Such lines in include:
PATH=$HOME/projects/jukeman/bin:$PATH # CONFIGURE
In the above the path $HOME/projects/jukeman/bin must be re-
placed with the path of the actual JUKEMAN.
cdadm movecd $devfile 1 $i # CONFIGURE
If the recorder drive is not the first drive in the jukebox (i.e. not the first
drive which appears in the device desrciption file) you need to replace 1
with the number of the correct drive.
cdglow -v -s $jukesource $glowoption -t $jukedest #
The recording itself is started with this line. Further options cdglow may
also be added in here, e.g., -f1 or -f2, should the speed of the source
not be high enough, or the option -b <size> in order to change the size of
the recorder buffer. It is also very useful to use the option -p in order to
carry out a simulation before actually executing the genuine burn jobs.
cdadm movecd $devfile 1 # CONFIGURE
Identical to cdadm movecd, which is described above.
The following line in burncds.bat should also be examined:
set jukeroot=D:\jukeman
The path D:\jukeman should be replace with the actual path of the
JUKEMAN directory (probably C:\jukeman).
In makecd.bat the following lines may need to be modified:
%jukeroot%\cdadm movecd %devfile% 1 %1