User manual

Burning disks/writing incrementally
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 157
Click [FORMAT]. Formatting of a disk may take some time.
Initialize disk
The disk needs to be initialized before files can be actually written to it.
Writeable disks appear as -badCD- or -blank- in the list, deppending of
the recorder. Select the disk to be initialized and click [INITIALIZE...]. You
will be asked for the disk label, and the disk is initialized using this name.
Once the disk is initialized files can be copied to it. Everything written to
the disk is stored in the IFS buffer first.
Write buffered data
Click [FLUSH] to actually write the buffered data to disk. This will write an
additional track to the disk.
Two tracks are already used when the disk is initialized. One more track is
required for the table of contents when finalizing the disk. Up to 96 tracks
can be written to a CD-R, since a CD-R is limited to 99 tracks. There is no
limitation to the number of tracks for PDs, WORMs, MOs, and hard disk
images. Please note that iXOS-JUKEMAN does not check if sufficient
space is provided on the disk to write the final contents track.
Delete buffered data
Select the disk for which the buffered data should be deleted and click
Finalize disk
Click [FINALIZE] when no further data shall be written to the disk.
The disk is converted to the ISO 9660 standard level 1. It can be read in
any drive, even without iXOS-JUKEMAN.
Test disk
If the disk is finished using finalize the disk can be made visible in the
file system by testing it. See Test diskson page 115.