User manual

Supported jukeboxes
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97182
5.20 Kubik 240 CD Jukebox
Device type: kubik
Windows NT UNIX
device=kubik device=kubik
drive=\\.\p0b0t3 drive=/dev/iXOS_SCSI0/3
drive=\\.\p0b0t4 drive=/dev/iXOS_SCSI0/4
drive=\\.\p0b0t5 drive=/dev/iXOS_SCSI0/5
drive=\\.\p0b0t6 drive=/dev/iXOS_SCSI0/6
robot=com1: robot=/dev/tty0
save=*.sav save=*.sav
In Kubiks CDR240M 240 CDs are arranged in a flat roundabout. On the
back, four CD-ROM drives are ready to catch CDs that are ejected from
the carousel by four thin pushers in the middle of the carousel. An addi-
tional pusher throws CDs to a separate mail slot on the front. If you ac-
cess a disk, the jukebox rotates the carousel until the CD reaches the po-
sition in front of the drive in which it must be inserted. Then the pusher
throws it into the drive, the drive inserts it, and you can access the data.
The robot is controlled by a serial line, so the device description file is
similar to a Mercury jukebox, but since each Kubik jukebox requires an
exclusive line, you do not need to specify a robot ID.
The Kubik has a separate mail slot so importing and exporting CDs is
similar to NSMs Mercury. The difference is that it is not a tray; its simply
a slot that you open manually if it is unlocked and then close it manually.
Then a disk can be inserted or changed.
Note that for the Kubik jukebox cdadm insert and cdadm remove use
special strategies. If you do not specify a slot number or CD name, the
server chooses a slot with the goal of keeping the roundabout balanced.