User manual

NSM 100 CD Jukebox
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 187
5.25 NSM 100 CD Jukebox
Device type: cdr100
Windows NT UNIX
device=cdr100 device=cdr100
drive=\\.\p0b0t4 drive=/dev/iXOS_SCSI0/4
robot=com1: robot=/dev/ttya
robid=4 robid=4
save=cdr100.sav save=cdr100.sav
The CDR100 offers a capacity of 100 CDs and a high performance due to
its small size.
The devices are controlled efficiently by serial lines using a special proto-
col which allows up to 16 devices to be daisy-chained. The robot ID ro-
bid is a number between 0 and 15, so that up to 16 devices can be con-
trolled by a single serial line.
Starting with version 2.1, you can combine the settings for the robot and
the robot ID using the syntax robot=<serial port>,<robid> which can be
used instead of two separate lines robot and robid. For example,
robot=com1:,4 bzw. robot=/dev/ttya,4
With the CDR100, use the same number for SCSI-ID and robot ID, espe-
cially if you have more than one (up to seven) devices. Refer to the
CDR100 manual for information about changing the robot ID.
The CDR100 has a single drive and no mail slot, so you cannot instruct
the server to export a disk to a mail slot. You change CDs by detaching
the jukebox, changing the CDs manually, closing the jukebox, attaching
the jukebox to the server, and calling:
cdadm testcd <device> <list>
which instructs the server to inspect the slots enumerated in <list>.
If you cannot detach the jukebox because you want to change CDs while
the file system is in use and you do not want to cause errors, use cdadm
insert and cdadm remove, to block user requests.
The cdadm insert <device> and cdadm remove <device> commands
instruct the server to free the drive in the jukebox, so you can open the