User manual

Command line index
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97234
cdadm writer …
The "cdadm writer..." commands access the incremental file system.
A detailed description can be found in the section Burning disks incre-
mentallyon page 151.
(1) cdadm writer action=format location=<location>
Format a PD/MO disk or a hard disk image. This may take some time.
(2) cdadm writer [fsi=ifs] action=init location=<location>
Initialize a writable disk. This command creates a recordable file sys-
tem on the specified disk. Two small tracks will be written for initializa-
tion. One more track will be written for initialization. Therefore, up to
96 tracks can be written to a CD-R, since it is limited to 99 Tracks. For
PDs, WORMs, MOs and hard disk images there is no such limitation.
The software will currently not check the space needed for the final ta-
ble of contents track. Enough space must be left for successful finali-
(3) cdadm writer action=flush vname=<volume>
Actually write all buffered data to the specifies disk.
(4) cdadm writer action=verify [track=<number>]
If track=... is not specified, the last written track will be verified, oth-
erwise the track with number <number>. If track=all is specified, all
tracks will be verified.
(5) cdadm writer action=purge vname=<volume>
Purge all buffered data for the disk <volume>.
(6) cdadm writer action=finalize vname=<volume>
Finalize a disk with an incremental file system. All buffered data must
be flushed from the buffer to the disk with a cdadm writer flush
command before it can be finalized.
<location> is in the format <device>,<slot>, where <device> is the name
of a valid device description file and <slot> is the slot number.
In addition the parameter speed=1, speed=2 or speed=3 can be speci-
fied to select the writing speed (default: double speed). The parameter
ring=<size> selects the ring buffer size used for writing (default: 4 MB).
cdadm writer action=init,4 vname=CDR_01
cdadm writer action=flush vname=CDR_01
cdadm writer action=verify vname=CDR_01