User manual

iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97260
net use y: hostname:/views/pc /port=4027 /ro
JUKEMAN does not work properly. What shall I do?
As a general rule, you should first check this manual and the manual of
your jukebox to ensure that your setup is o.k.
A good starting point for your investigations is to reboot the host jukeman
runs on, while the jukebox(es) you plan to use are properly connected and
powered up. At least you should restart the server.
The most useful mean for troubleshooting is the log file, logfile.txt, which
you will find in the installation directory, or, more precisely, in the directory
where the cdnfsd program resides. Check it out when an error occurs.
Refer to section Log messagesin the manual for details on reading the
Roughly one can distinguish three types of problems:
1. The server does not start up correctly
2. A device can not be attached
3. You can't access a CD.
Startup problems
Make sure that you don't attach any devices automatically by editing the
server.cfg file either directly or via the GUI.
Check by means of the control panel that the services iXOS Admin Server
and iXOS Jukebox Daemon as well as the devices iXOS generic SCSI
driver and iXOS Jukebox File System have been installed and started.
Another means of information might be the event log, in particular for
hardware problems. If our command scsidevs does not show any SCS de-
vices, you most probably encounter hardware problems.
You should check by an appropriate ps (ps -aux or ps -efl should do), that
no cdnfsd is already running. Note that cdnfsd must either be started by
root or must be suid.
Attaching problems
Attaching problems are almost always due to an incorrect device file.
Check first that you chose the right device type. For each SCSI id listed
as drive you should verify by our command inquiry that you can actually
reach it. A typical output should be anything like
inquiry \\.\p2b0t2,0
0000002 \\.\p2b0t2,0 is TOSHIBA's CD-drive CD-ROM XM-3501TA
0000003 ProRevL 1875, Firmware 07/06/95
If you encounter a Can't openerror, you should use our command
scsidevs to get a list of all known SCSI devices.