User manual

Set up caches and buffers
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 47
CLI UNIX, Windows NT
Note: The file server.cfg must be modified for this task. A detailed
description of the file can be found in Configuration file
server.cfgon page 237. It is recommended that you make a
backup copy of the file before editing it.
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 supports more than one IFS buffer (see IFS with
several independent bufferson page 243). To set up a single IFS buffer
do the following:
1. Open the file server.cfgwith a text editor.
2. Find the section fsbuffer { ... }. If it does not exist add the
following lines to the end of the file:
fsbuffer {
file { <name> }
size { <size> }
inodes { <inodes> }
3. Enter the file name for the cache instead of <name> (e. g.,
fsbuffer). If you do not specify a path, the cache will be created in
the JUKEMAN directory. This is recommended for security reasons.
4. Enter the cache size in megabytes instead of <size>.
5. Enter the maximum number of files instead of <inodes>.
6. Save the file.
7. The changes will be reflected the next time the server is started.