User manual

Set up views
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 69
Table 4 - Disk set syntax
Char. Meaning Example possible disks (e. g.)
any single character
ix?s ixas, ixos, ixks..
any string
ix*s ixs, ixmas, ix-
list of alternatives
[abc]horn ahorn, bhorn,
range of characters
[a-m]horn ahorn, ..., mhorn
restricted characters
all starting without d
alternative strings
all starting with cow or
iXOS-JUKEMAN allows to set up a tree of views.
Each view is represented as a directory.
A view may contain subviews or any disk set of all the disks controlled
Each view has a name format specifying how the contents of the view
are presented to the clients.
Each view can be shared to the clients with the operating system
Each view can be assigned an optional drive letter on Windows NT.
The following figure illistrates a view set-up, where view_1 and view_2
contain a selection of disks in pc format and rr format respectively. In
contrast, view_3 contains two subviews (view_3a and view_3b). Subviews
themselves may also contain views. In this case, however the subviews
contain a selection of disks.
Please note, that view_3 is assigned a name format (rr). This name for-
mat will be inherited by the subviews, if nothing else is specified.