User manual

Set up views
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 75
CLI UNIX, Windows NT
Note: The file server.cfg must be modified for this task. A detailed
description of the file can be found in Configuration file
server.cfgon page 237. It is recommended that you make a
backup copy of the file before editing it.
Open the file server.cfg with a text editor. The views are entered in the
views { ... } section. The first parameter that must be specified is
list { }, containing the names of all views on top level. Following this
section is the parameter roots { }, containing all views names and
their definition. Each view that contains subviews has its own views { }
section (with its own list { } and roots { } section).
Each view that is to contain disks can have the following parameters:
Parameter Value
Name format (pc, rr, hs). If this parameter is not specified
the name format will be taken from the superordinate view.
The default name format for views on top level is pc.
The visible disks (* for all). See Table 4 - Disk set syntax
on page 69.
The excluded disks. See Table 4 - Disk set syntaxon
page 69.
Drive letter under Windows NT Windows NT (will be ig-
nored under UNIX). If not specified, the view will not be as-
signed a drive letter.
Label for the drive letter under Windows NT (Default:
JUKEMAN, ignored under UNIX). May contain octal escape
sequences like \040for a space.
The raw { 1 } parameter selects a view format in which
all disks are represented through the raw file system. You
do not see the directories and files of the disks, but the full
disk as a large file. The directory structure is explained in
Raw filesystemon page 240.