User manual

Intregrate iXOS-JUKEMAN into the network
iXOS-JUKEMAN 2.2 User Manual Pre.12/97 81
NFS Clients (UNIX, NT)
NFS clients, e. g., UNIX clients, can mount the standard views
of a Windows NT JUKEMAN server.
For example:
mount -o timeo=99,retrans=14 jm_hostname:/views_pc /cds
The disks can then be accessed from the directory /cds on the client.
Both the UNIX and NT versions of iXOS-JUKEMAN support the NFS pro-
tocol. NFS clients can mount the file system of a UNIX JUKEMAN server
as they mount any network file system, but they need to add some pa-
rameters for the mount command. For example,