Owner's Manual

CL Editor Owner’s Manual
(*) CL3: 1–64, CL1: 1–48
3 Module graphic
This area shows a graphic of the effect module or the GEQ module that is currently assigned to the rack, and the
parameters of that module. Double-click this to open the module editor for that rack unit. By holding down the
<Ctrl>(< >) key of your computer keyboard and double-clicking this, you can open multiple rack module editors. For
these additional editors, the rack select buttons are not linked with the RACK popup window of the CL itself.
4 Input meter/Output meter
These indicate the level of the signals being input and output from the effect module or the GEQ module.
5 Output patch
Click the L CHANNEL or R CHANNEL area, and choose one of the following as the signal route that will be patched to
the L/R output channels of the internal effect.
(*) CL3: 1–64, CL1: 1–48
This switches the effect module or the GEQ module between active and bypassed states. An effect module is active
when the BYPASS button is dark.
INS2 CH 1–72(*) INPUT channel 1–72(*) insert out 2
INS2 MIX 1–24 MIX channel 1–24 insert out 2
INS2 MTRX1–8 MATRIX channel 1–8 insert out 2
INS2 ST L, INS2 ST R, INS2 M(C) Insert out 2 of STEREO channel L/R or the MONO channel
NONE No assignment
CH 1–72(*) INPUT channel 1–72(*)
STIN1L–STIN8R ST IN channel 1–8 L/R
INS1 CH 1–72(*) INPUT channel 1–72(*) insert in 1
INS1 MIX 1–24 MIX channel 1–24 insert in 1
INS1 MTRX1–8 MATRIX channel 1–8 insert in 1
INS1 ST L, INS1 ST R, INS1 M(C) Insert in 1 of STEREO channel L/R or the MONO channel
INS2 CH 1–72(*) INPUT channel 1–72(*) insert in 2
INS2 MIX 1–24 MIX channel 1–24 insert in 2
INS2 MTRX1–8 MATRIX channel 1–8 insert in 2
INS2 ST L, INS2 ST R, INS2 M(C) Insert in 2 of STEREO channel L/R or the MONO channel