Owner's Manual

CL Editor Owner’s Manual
Synchronizing CL Editor
When CL Editor starts up, the parameter settings on the console and the parameter settings in CL Editor may be different.
Therefore, you must first match the parameter settings on the console with those in CL Editor. This operation is called
synchronization.” Follow the steps below to synchronize CL Editor.
1 Select [Synchronization], then [Re-synchronize].
The following window opens.
If CL Editor is in the offline status the
[Re-synchronize] function is not available.
2 Select whether you want to transfer your settings to
CL Editor, or vice versa.
Console -> PC:
Transfers the current parameter settings of
your console to the CL Editor.
PC -> Console: Transfers the current parameter settings in CL Editor to your console.
At this time, the All Libraries option determines whether or not Library data is synchronized.
If you select the [Dante Setup and I/O Device] check box, Dante settings will also be synchronized. Clear this check box
if you want to preserve the Dante settings of the CL console when using PC -> Console.
The Dante settings of the CL console will be copied to CL Editor if you clear this check box and select
PC -> Console, or if you select Console -> PC.
During synchronization using the PC -> Console option, if the CL unit contains read-only scenes, a
dialog appears asking you whether you want to copy the read-only scenes to CL Editor. If you select
not to copy, the read-only scenes will not be synchronized.
If you recall a read-only scene that is not synchronized, the operation between the CL unit and CL Editor
will not be synchronized.
3 Click [OK].
Do not operate the console while synchronization is in progress.
Offline Edit Function
If you do not want to synchronize your console with CL Editor, select [Offline Edit] from the [Synchronization] menu. To
apply your off-line edits to your console, select [Re-Synchronize] from the [Synchronization] with the PC -> Console
option to synchronize the console with CL Editor.
The Offline Edit function is also activated when you click the [ONLINE]/[OFFLINE] button in the Master window.
Some effect parameters in the console change their displayed values depending on the sampling fre-
quency. If you switch CL Editor from OFFLINE to ONLINE, displayed parameter values may change
because CL Editor loads the sampling frequency from the console and updates the display.
Other Functions
Resetting to the default value (Ctrl( )+click)
Move the cursor to a control or a parameter value, then hold down the <Ctrl>(< >) key and click the mouse button to
reset the value to the default (e.g., to reset a pan setting to Center).
However, the channel faders and the send knobs and bar graphs can be set to –∞ regardless of the default value.
Ctrl( )+Shift+Click
Move the mouse cursor to a channel fader or to a send knob or bar graph, and click while holding down the
<Ctrl>(< >) key and <Shift> key to set the nominal value regardless of the default value.