User Manual

Page 3
1. Disconnect from Console and Return to Start Menu
From V8.1 onwards, CL/QL StageMix now supports iOS multi-tasking. As a
result, if StageMix is sent to the background (i.e., if the iPad home button is
pressed during operation), StageMix will automatically attempt to re-connect to
the previously used console IP address whenever StageMix is re-opened.
To connect to a different console IP address, or if the previously console is no
longer available, select the [RETURN TO START MENU] button from the
synchronisation pop-up. This will return StageMix to the Start menu, from which
another console can be selected, or a new console connection can be created.
NOTE: if a long period of time passes between the app being sent to the
background and re-opened, it is likely that iOS will have fully closed the app. In
this instance, StageMix will re-open to the Start menu.
It is also possible to return to the Start menu at any time while using StageMix, by
touching the [Disconnect and Return to Start Menu] button in the top bar of the