Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
Graphic EQ, effects, and Premium Rack
Reference Manual
2. In the GEQ field or the EFFECT field, press the rack in which you mounted the GEQ.
The GEQ popup window will appear, allowing you to edit the GEQ parameters.
The popup windows for the 31BandGEQ and the Flex15GEQ are nearly identical. However, the
Flex15GEQ individually displays two GEQ units (A and B) mounted in a single rack.
1 Rack select tabs
Switch among GEQ 1–8, among GEQ 9–16 or among EFFECT1–8. For a rack in which a Flex 15
GEQ is mounted, the tabs will be split as xA and xB (x is the rack number).
2 INPUT PATCH button
Opens the CH SELECT popup window, in which you can select the input source of the rack. The
operating procedure is the same as for the INPUT PATCH button in the GEQ field.
Opens the CH SELECT popup window, enabling you to select the output destination of the rack.
The operating procedure is the same as for the OUTPUT PATCH button in the GEQ field.
4 GEQ LINK button
Links adjacent GEQ units.
In the case of a 31bandGEQ, the GEQ units in adjacent odd-numbered/even-numbered racks will
be linked. In the case of a Flex15GEQ, the GEQ(A) and GEQ(B) within the same rack will be
The GEQ LINK button is shown only if linking is possible.
5 FLAT button
Returns all bands of the currently selected GEQ to 0 dB.
6 GEQ ON/OFF button
Switches the currently-selected GEQ on or off.
3. If you are using a stereo source, link the two GEQ units.
You will be able to use the GEQ LINK button if you have selected a 31BandGEQ or Flex15GEQ
for adjacent odd-numbered/even-numbered racks. When you turn this button on, the following
popup window will appear. To enable linking, press any button other than CANCEL. The popup
window contains the following items.
1 GEQ xy button (“x” and “y” are the rack number, or the rack number and
alphabetical character A or B)
The parameters of “x” will be copied to “y,” and then linked.
2 GEQ yx button
The parameters of “y” will be copied to “x,” and then linked.
3 RESET BOTH button
The parameters of both will be initialized, and then linked.
4 CANCEL button
Cancels the link and closes the popup window.
When you link GEQ units, a symbol will appear in the GEQ field to indicate the linked status.
4. Press the GEQ ON/OFF button to turn the GEQ on.
After you have turned the GEQ on, adjust the bands of the GEQ.
For details on GEQ operations, refer to the following section “Using the 31BandGEQ” on
page 120, or “Using the Flex15GEQ” on page 121.
You can view the input and output levels of the GEQ in the rack in the GEQ field.
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