Reference Manual

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User settings (Security)
Reference Manual
Specifies whether pressing a knob in the SELECTED CHANNEL section while the SELECTED
CHANNEL VIEW screen is displayed will cause a popup window (1ch) to appear. If the ON
button is lit, a popup window (1ch) will open (or close) whenever you press a knob.
If you press the SEND or PAN knob, a popup window (8ch) will open.
Specifies what will happen when you operate the GAIN knob in the SELECTED CHANNEL
section on the panel. When the ANALOG GAIN button is lit, you can adjust analog gain on the
head amp. When the DIGITAL GAIN button is lit, you can adjust digital gain on the console.
Specifies what the SCENE MEMORY [INC]/[DEC] keys will do when pressed in the SCENE
popup windows.
When the SCENE +1/–1 button is lit, pressing the [INC] or [DEC] key will increment or
decrement the scene number.
When the LIST UP/DOWN button is lit, pressing the [INC] or [DEC] key will scroll the list
upward or downward.
Specifies the order in which scene memories and library items will appear on the list.
When the NORMAL button is lit, the list appears in ascending numerical order. When the
REVERSE button is lit, the list appears in descending numerical order.
Specifies the content of the channel name display on the top panel.
When the NAME ONLY button is lit, only the channel name appears. When the FULL
FUNCTION button is lit, the channel name display also indicates knob assignment information
and fader level.
4. Use the buttons on screen to make Preference settings.
5. When you have finished making settings, close the popup window and press the
SETUP button in the Function Access Area.
This section explains how to assign the desired functions to the USER DEFINED keys in the USER
DEFINED KEYS section on the top panel, and press these keys to execute the defined function.
This assignment procedure will define the USER DEFINED keys for the user who is currently logged-
in, but if you are logged-in as the Administrator, you can also make USER DEFINED key settings for
the Guest account.
1. In the Function Access Area, press the SETUP button to access the SETUP screen.
2. Press the USER SETUP button to access the USER SETUP popup window.
3. Press the USER DEFINED KEYS tab to select the USER DEFINED KEYS page.
If you are logged-in as the Administrator, you can also turn on the FOR GUEST button in the
lower right of the screen to access the USER DEFINED KEYS for Guest page and make USER
DEFINED key settings for the Guest account.
The sixteen buttons on screen corresponds to USER DEFINED keys [1]–[16] on the top panel.
The name of function or parameter assigned to each key appears to the right of the corresponding
on-screen button. If nothing is assigned to the key, an indication of “---” will appear next to the