Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
Input channels
Reference Manual
GAIN/PATCH popup window (8ch)
1 Channel select button
Indicates the channel icon, number, and name. When you press this button, the corresponding
channel will become a target for operations in the SELECTED CHANNEL section, and the
corresponding [SEL] key will light.
2 PATCH button
Press this button to display the PORT SELECT popup window to patch the input port to the input
3 +48V button
This button will appear for the input channel to which the head amp has been patched. Press the
button to switch phantom power (+48V) on or off.
If the slot (for which the connection to the head amp is not recognized) is patched, the type of the
mini-YGDAI card will be displayed.
4 A.GAIN (analog gain) knob
Indicates the analog gain of the head amp. Press this knob so that you will be
able to use the multifunction knob to adjust the gain.
If the Gain Compensation function is turned on, an indicator will appear,
showing the position of the analog gain when the function is turned on.
5 Level meter
Indicates the input signal level.
6 GC (Gain Compensation) button
Switches the Gain Compensation function on or off for that channel.
7 Ø (Phase) button
Switches the phase of the input signal.
8 D. GAIN (digital gain) knob
Indicates the digital gain value. Press this knob so that you will be able to use the multifunction
knob to adjust the gain.
9 Digital gain meter
Indicates the level after digital gain.
GAIN/PATCH popup window
(1-48, 49-72/ST IN(CL5), 49-64/ST IN(CL3), ST IN(CL1))
This window displays the head amp settings of the corresponding input channels. Here you can also
adjust the head amp gain in groups of the selected eight channels by using the multifunction knobs in
the Centralogic section.
1 Parameter select buttons
Select one of the following parameters to view in the window.
ANALOG GAIN........................ Analog gain
DIGITAL GAIN ........................Digital gain
PATC H ........................................ Patch selection
2 GC ALL ON/GC ALL OFF buttons
Switch Gain Compensation on or off for all input channels simultaneously.
3 Channel select button
Selects the channel. You can select multiple channels simultaneously.
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