Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
EQ and Dynamics
Reference Manual
9 EQ FLAT button
Press this button to reset the GAIN parameters of all EQ band to 0 dB.
Turn on this button to select the shelving type filter for the HIGH band.
A LPF ON/OFF button
Turn on this button to select the low pass filter for the HIGH band.
B EQ ON/OFF button
Switches the EQ on or off.
C EQ type select button
Switches between TYPE I (an algorithm used in previous Yamaha digital mixers) and TYPE II (an
algorithm that reduces interference between bands).
D EQ graph
This graph displays real-time parameter values for the EQ and filter.
E EQ IN/OUT level meters
Indicate the peak level of signals before and after the EQ. For a stereo channel, these meters
indicate the level of both the L and R channels.
F ATT knob
Indicates an attenuation amount before the signal enters the EQ. You can use the multifunction
knobs to adjust this.
G HPF ON/OFF button (input channels only)
Switches the HPF on or off.
H HPF FREQUENCY knob (input channels only)
Indicates the cutoff frequency of the HPF. You can use the multifunction knobs to adjust this.
I HPF type select button
Switches the HPF attenuation per octave between –12 dB/oct and –6 dB/oct.
J EQ parameter setting knobs
Indicate the Q, FREQUENCY, and GAIN parameters for the LOW, LOW MID, HIGH MID, and
HIGH bands. Press these knobs to control the parameter values using the multifunction knobs.
If shelving type has been selected for the LOW band, or if HPF is selected for the output
channels, the LOW band Q parameter will not appear.
If shelving type has been selected for the HIGH band, or if LPF is selected, the HIGH band Q
parameter will not appear.
HPF/EQ popup window (8ch)
This window displays the input channel or output channel EQ settings in groups of eight channels
Use the knobs in the SELECTED CHANNEL section to edit the EQ settings. You can adjust the HPF
settings of all eight channels displayed.
1 Channel select button
Selects the channel that you want to control. The current channel icon and number appear on the
button, and the channel name appears immediately below the button.
2 EQ graph
This graph displays the parameter values for the EQ and filter. The currently-selected EQ type
appears below the graph.
3 EQ ON/OFF button
Switches the EQ on or off. The OVER indicator (located to the right above the button) lights if the
post-EQ signal is clipping.
Indicates the cutoff frequency of the HPF. You can use the multifunction knobs to adjust this.
5 HPF ON/OFF button
Switches the HPF on or off.