Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
Scene memory
Reference Manual
4. Rotate one of the multifunction knobs to select the paste-destination scene
number, and then press the PASTE button.
A dialog box will ask you to confirm the Paste operation.
You can select multiple paste-destination scenes. To do so, press the MULTI SELECT button to
turn it on, and then rotate a multifunction knob. Alternatively, rotate the multifunction knob while
pressing and holding it down. In this case, the same content will be pasted to all selected scenes.
A copied scene can also be inserted (see page 85).
If nothing has been stored in the buffer memory, the PASTE button will be unavailable.
5. To execute the paste operation, press the OK button.
The scene stored in the buffer memory will be pasted to the scene number you selected in step 4.
If you want to cancel the Paste operation, press the CANCEL button instead of the OK button.
Clearing a scene
1. Press the SCENE field in the Function Access Area.
The SCENE LIST window will appear.
2. Rotate one of the multifunction knobs to select the scene number that you want
to clear, and then press the CLEAR button.
A dialog box will ask you to confirm the Clear operation.
You may select multiple scenes to be cleared. To do so, press the MULTI SELECT button to turn
it on, and then rotate a multifunction knob. Alternatively, rotate the multifunction knob while
pressing and holding it down.
3. To execute the Clear operation, press the OK button.
The scene number(s) you selected in step 2 will be cleared. If you want to cancel the Clear
operation, press the CANCEL button instead of the OK button.
Read-only scenes or write-protected scenes cannot be cleared.
Cutting a scene
This section explains how to cut a scene.
When you cut a scene, the numbers of the subsequent scenes will be decremented accordingly. You can
paste or insert a cut scene at the desired location.
1. Press the SCENE field in the Function Access Area.
The SCENE LIST window will appear.
2. Rotate one of the multifunction knobs to select the scene number that you want
to cut, and then press the CUT button.
A dialog box will ask you to confirm the Cut operation.
If the scene list has been sorted in any other way than by number (in the “NO.” column), the CUT
button will be unavailable.
3. To execute the Cut operation, press the OK button.
The scene(s) you selected in step 2 will be cut, and the numbers of the subsequent scenes will be
decremented accordingly. At this time, the scene that was cut will be stored in buffer memory.
Read-only scenes or write-protected scenes cannot be cut.
4. If desired, you can paste (see page 83) or insert the cut scene (that was held in the
buffer memory).
Be aware that if you copy or cut another scene before you paste or insert, the newly copied or
cut scene will overwrite the scene in the buffer memory.