User Manual

Description of the Software Programs
NUAGE MASTER Operation Manual 37
This page is for controlling the Automation features. The
functions of this page are the same as in the Nuendo
Automation Panel. To open this page, press the
AUTOMATION [Display access] button (page 22).
Touching the “Nuendo” icon in the Tool area calls up the
Automation Panel within Nuendo. Touching once again
closes it.
Controls and Functions
1 Join
Operates Join function.
2 Fill
Operates Fill function.
3 Preview
Operates Preview function.
4 Suspend Read
Operates Suspend Read function.
5 Suspend Write
Operates Suspend Write function.
6 Show
Operates Show function.
7 R
Turns on Read Automation for all tracks.
8 R
Turns off Read Automation for all tracks.
9 W
Turns on Write Automation for all tracks.
) W
Turns off Write Automation for all tracks.
! Touch
Sets Automation Mode to “Touch.”
@ Auto Latch
Sets Automation Mode to “Auto Latch.”
# Cross Over
Sets Automation Mode to “Cross Over.”
$ Trim
Operates Trim.
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 ) ! @ #