Operation Manual

Advanced Functions
Playing back Songs
Song data formats that can be played
SMF (Standard MIDI File) Formats 0 and 1
The SMF format is one of the most common and widely compatible MIDI formats
used for storing sequence data. There are two variations: Format 0 and Format 1. A
large number of MIDI devices are compatible with SMF Format 0, and most
commercially available MIDI sequence data is provided in SMF Format 0. MIDI
Songs recorded in this instrument are saved as SMF Format 0.
This format is compatible with many of Yamahas MIDI devices, including the
Clavinova series instruments. This is a common format used with various Yamaha
software. Among ESEQ files, Disklavier Piano Soft Songs can be played back on this
•WAV format (.wav)
This is an audio file format commonly used by computers. This instrument can play
44.1kHz/16bit stereo WAV files. Audio Songs recorded on this instrument are saved
in this format. The maximum amount of time for playing an Audio Song is 80-
This section explains how to play back Songs stored to the instrument and MIDI Songs/Audio Songs stored
to a USB storage device. MIDI Songs or Audio Songs made as recordings of your performance (page 34) can
also be played by the same method.
When you want to play a Song stored to a USB storage device, read the section “Connecting a USB storage
device” (page 47) and connect the USB storage device to the [USB TO DEVICE] jack, then follow the
procedure shown below.
1. Select a Song drive (memory location).
Press the [SONG SELECT] button repeatedly until the lamp indicating the
desired drive lights (PRESET / USER MIDI / USB MIDI / USB AUDIO).
USB MIDI and USB AUDIO can be selected only when a USB storage
device is connected.
2. Select a Song.
Press the [-/NO], [+/YES] buttons to select a Song number, “rnd” or “ALL.
Song number............Plays back only the selected Song. For details, see
the table on page 29.
rnd..............................Plays the Songs of the selected drive continuously in
random order.
ALL ............................Plays all the Songs of the selected drive continu-
ously in sequence.
The MIDI Song can be played on
this instrument is the size of up to
about 550KB per single Song.
Playing back Songs
[SONG SELECT] button does not
work in the following situations.
Demo Song mode (page 22)
Record mode (page 34)
File mode (page 41)