Operation Manual

Advanced Functions
Playing various musical instrument sounds (Voices)
Listening to the Piano Demo (using sampling
technology) and GP Soundboard Speaker Demo
1. Press the [DEMO] button then the A [+] button.
The “PianoDemo” display is shown.
2. Press the desired Voice group button to start playback.
The Piano Demos are assigned to the Voice group buttons as shown in the
following table.
3. Press the [DEMO] button to stop playback.
You can also stop playback by pressing the [EXIT] or [STOP] button.
For information about the GP
Soundboard Speaker, refer to
page 15.
For explanation about the each
sampling and details about the
Voices to which the sampling
can be applied, refer to Preset
Voice List (detailed) on page
75. Refer to page 71 to set the
depth of the sampling effect on
the Voices.
Sampling technology Voice group buttons
Piano demo Stereo Sampling GRAND PIANO1
Mono Sampling GRAND PIANO2
Sustain Sampling With GRAND PIANO3
No (Without) GRAND PIANO4
Key-off Sampling With E.PIANO1
No (Without) E.PIANO2
String Resonance With HARPSICHORD
GP Soundboard Speaker With (On) PIPE ORGAN
No (Without) JAZZ ORGAN