Operation Manual

Detailed Settings
Parameter List
Detailed Settings
Parameter List
Recording and playback — [FILE/SONG SETTING]
Settings marked with a “*” are effective only when a MIDI Song is selected.
Settings Parameter name Default settings
Deleting files Delete page 43
Renaming files Rename page 43
Copying files* Copy page 44
Moving files* Move page 45
Making folders in the USB storage device MakeFolder page 45
Formatting a USB storage device* Format page 46
Converting a MIDI Song to an Audio Song during playback* MIDItoAUDIO page 46
Confirming the amount of free memory area and all memory area
on the USB storage device
DriveProperty page 47
Automatically selecting a Song when connecting the USB storage
SongAutoOpen MIDI page 48
Changing the type of characters on the display CharacterCode International page 48
Playing back a Song/all Songs repeatedly SongRepeat Off page 57
Playing back the phrase specified by the phrase number* PhraseMark RepeatOff page 58
Correcting note timing* Quantize 1/16 page 58
Setting the Quantize strength* 100%
Specifying whether playback starts immediately along with the first
QuickPlay On page 59
Auditioning the channels* ChannelListen Ch1 page 59
Deleting data from each channel* ChannelClear Ch1 page 59
Selecting a record starting method RecStart Normal page 38
Selecting a record ending method RecEnd Replace page 38
Recording Parts 3 – 16 (Extra Parts) RecExtraPartsCh Ch5 page 36
Settings Parameter name Default settings
Setting the metronome time signature TimeSignature 4/4 (when a MIDI Song is
selected, depending on
the Song)
page 60
Setting the metronome volume level MetronomeVolume 82 page 60
Selecting the metronome MetronomeSound BellOff page 60