Operation Manual

Message List
Maximum no. of devices
The number of USB storage devices exceeds the limitation. Up to two USB storage devices can be
connected simultaneously. For details, see page 51.
Memory full
Since the capacity and the number of files of MEMORY drive/USB storage device are full, the
operation cannot be made. Delete some Songs in the MEMORY drive/USB storage device or move
Songs to another USB storage device, and try again.
Move to?->
This message prompts you to select the Move destination. Follow the instructions in “Moving files”
on page 45.
This message prompts you to change the name of the Song/folder which is currently displayed.
Follow the instructions in “Renaming files” (page 43) or “Making folders in the USB storage device”
(page 45) to change the name, or press the B [– (NO)] button to cancel.
No device
A USB storage device was not connected to the instrument when you attempted to perform a
device-related operation. Connect the device, and try again.
No device (media)
No media is not has been inserted to the selected USB storage device. Insert the media.
No file
This message appears when there is no backup file to load in the connected USB storage device.
No response
from USB device
The instrument cannot communicate with the connected USB device. Redo the connection (page
51). If you still see this message, the USB device may be damaged.
Protected Song
This message appears when you attempt to handle the Protected Song. For information on the
limitation of file operations, see page 41.
The file already exists. This message prompts you to overwrite the existing data with new data. Press
the B [+ (YES)] button to proceed, or press the B [– (NO)] button to cancel.
Please wait
The instrument is processing the data. Wait until the message disappears, then go on to the next
Protected device (media)
This message appears when you attempt a file operation (page 41), record your performance or
save the data on a read-only USB storage device. Cancel the read-only setting, if possible, and try
again. If you still see this message, the USB storage device is internally protected (such as
commercially available music data). You cannot make the file operation or record your performance
to such a device.
Protected Song
You attempted a file operation to a Protected Song or read-only file. Data of those types have
handling limitations (page 41), and also cannot be used for editing (page 37). Use a read-only file
after cancelling the read-only setting.
Remaining space
on drive is low
Since the remaining space on the MEMORY drive/USB storage device is low, delete any
unnecessary files (page 43) before recording.
Selected drive?->
This message prompts you for confirmation to continue the operation with the currently selected
USB storage device. Press the Press the B [+ (YES)] button to proceed, or press the B [– (NO)]
button to cancel.
This message prompts you to save the settings. Press the B [+ (YES)] button to save, or press the
[EXIT] button to cancel.
Song error
This message appears, if a problem is found with the Song data when you select a Song or while the
Song is playing. In this case, reselect the Song, and try again to play back. If the message still
appears, the Song data may have been damaged.
Song too large
The size of Song data (MIDI/Audio) exceeds the limitation. The following causes can be considered.
The Song size you attempt to play back exceeds the limitation. The limitation for playback is
approx. 550KB (MIDI), 80 minutes (Audio).
The Song size exceeds the limitation during recording. The limitation for recording is approx.
550KB (MIDI), 80 minutes (Audio). The recording will end automatically and the recording data
before the end is saved.
The Song size exceeds the limitation during converting a MIDI Song to an Audio Song. The
limitation is 80 minutes (Audio).
This message prompts you to start the operation. Press the B [+ (YES)] button to start, or press the
[EXIT] button to cancel.
This message prompts you for confirmation of the operation. Press the B [+ (YES)] button to execute,
or press the B [– (NO)] button to cancel.
Message Meaning