Operation Manual

106 CLP-170/150
Problem Cause Solution
The power of the Clavinova does
not turn on.
The power cable is not plugged in
(check at the Clavinova and at the
electrical outlet).
Insert the power cable plug firmly
into the Clavinova and into the elec-
trical outlet of the correct voltage.
(page 17)
There is a clicking noise when you
press [POWER] to turn the power
on or off.
This is caused by the electrical
power within the instrument.
This is not a malfunction.
Noise is heard from the Clavinova.
A portable telephone is being used
near the Clavinova (or the ring tone
is sounding).
Turn off the power of the portable
telephone located near the Clavi-
nova. Noise may be heard if a por-
table telephone is used near the
Clavinova or if the ring tone occurs.
The overall volume is too low. Or,
there is no sound at all.
The [MASTER VOLUME] is low-
(page 18)
Headphones are connected (only if
the Speaker setting is “Normal
HeadphoneSW”). (page 95)
Disconnect the headphone plug.
Speaker setting is off.
Set [Speaker] to “Normal” or “ON”.
(page 95)
Local Control is turned off. Set Local control ON. (page 89)
“Expression” is assigned to one of
the right, center, and left pedals.
Assign any function other than
“Expression” to the pedal.
The keyboard volume is lower than
the song playback volume.
The volume level for the keyboard
performance is set too low.
Move [SONG BALANCE] toward
the keyboard to increase the key-
board volume.
Sound is still heard from the speak-
ers even though headphones are
plugged in.
Speaker setting is On.
Set the speaker setting to “Normal
(HeadphoneSW)”. (page 95)
iAFC is not effective when it is
turned ON.
The iAFC mic cords are not
inserted into the jacks firmly.
Insert the iAFC mic cords firmly into
the jacks. (page 116)
Feedback occurs when you turn
iAFC on. (CLP-170)
iAFC was not automatically
adjusted correctly.
Turn iAFC OFF, and perform the
automatic adjustment (page 86).
Damper pedal does not function, or
notes are sustained even though
the damper pedal is not pressed.
The plug of the pedal cable is not
inserted into the [PEDAL] jack.
Plug the pedal cable firmly into the
[PEDAL] jack. (Refer to “CLP-150:
Keyboard Stand Assembly” begin-
ning on page 112, or “CLP-170:
Keyboard Stand Assembly” on
page 115.)